10 Affirmations for Teachers

My latest blog post for TeacherPop is a list of 10 Affirmations for Teachers! I'm really excited to share this one because I think affirmations can be really powerful.  I've been listening to them on my way to school since last school year.  I have a few favorites that I genuinely think to myself during the school day.  It's a bit cheesy, but sometimes you really need to calm yourself down! Last year, I found myself feeling angry and frustrated that I was unable to provide all the services my students needed (due to unfilled special education positions at my former school).  I found that the affirmation, "I am a person of high integrity and sincere purpose," would remind me that I was doing my best.  This year, I find myself saying, "I am patient and calm, and greet the day with ease," under my breath.  I'm definitely feeling a bit frazzled as I adjust to a new school and a new caseload of students.  Anyway, you can check out my full list on the TeacherPop blog here! Do you have any affirmations or sayings you use to stay positive and calm?