3 Ways to Help Children at the Border

As teachers, we are used to loving and taking care of children other than our own. Regardless of your views on immigration or who you voted for, tearing children away from their families because their parents are seeking a better life for them is unnecessary, cruel, and wrong. 

1. Start by calling and writing your congress people TODAY to let them know you want them to support the Keep Families Together Act. If you have any Republican representatives or senators, this is particularly important, as no Republicans currently support the bill. 

You can use Resistbot to easily write your reps right from you phone. You can use 5 Calls to call your reps by just pressing a button.

2. After you contact your reps, SHARE this information. We want reps to be so overwhelmed with calls and letters that they feel compelled to act. You're welcome to share this blog post, or my Facebook post with the same information.

3. Then, if you're in a position to do so, donate to an organization helping the children at the border. Personally, I donated to Together Rising, an organization providing advocates and legal representation to children at the border. 

Let's do this, teacher-friends!